I bought the Nobilis and Chuubo Bundle of Holding

Cover of Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine

After weeks of umming and erring, I finally bought the Nobilis and Chuubo Bundle on Bundle of Holding, featuring the games Nobilis and Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine by Jenna Katerin Moran.

It’s not that I wasn’t sure of the games’ worth. On the contrary, it’s because I well understand the quality and beauty and ingenuity of these games that I considered buying the bundle, despite already owning both of the games. Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine, the one that I’ve played before, is unlike any other roleplaying game I’ve ever tried, and the scope of the ideas it can add to a game designer’s toolbox is immense.

I bought the bundle because I hope the Chuubo supplements will help me sort through a few issues that are holding me back from running another Chuubo’s campaign. I really want to, but some relatively minor things are in the way, like the need to provide and use large amounts of stationery props (the Quest and Issue cards). I got some advice on this on Google+, so I might have eventually got round to doing it again regardless, but this Bundle is a prompt to dive back into this (occasionally mindblowing) game and see if I can sort through it.

Even without playing, there are so many great game mechanics in these games that can be lifted out and used in other places. That’s what I did recently with the emoting rules in my blog post on Revealed Emotionality in roleplaying games, but there is so much more gold to mine in these pages.

To make a long story short, there are only two days left on the Bundle of Holding. If you don’t have these games already, this is an excellent opportunity to get them at a bargain price. If you own them, maybe it’s time to give them another look. I’m planning to do just that.

There’s beauty here. Share it.

Revealed Emotionality: Three rules to let your feelings radiate

A friend of mine recently told me that he is getting tired of the sorts of roleplaying games that he most often plays in, and he’s thinking of moving instead to more freeform and improvisational games. I respect the decision of course, but it’s a shame because it means I might never get to play in a game with him again.

I can’t do freeform roleplay. I need rules and structures and hooks and mechanics to help me carve out a space for myself in the conversation, which I am otherwise pretty bad at.

I especially love rules that allow and encourage me to to express the thoughts and feelings of my characters at the table. I find it one of the hardest parts of roleplaying and don’t do it spontaneously. When there are no opportunities for this in a game, it therefore often doesn’t happen. And if something doesn’t happen at the table, then it isn’t canon in the game, so the characters I play tend to be somewhat 2-dimensional. This is either intentional (I bypass the whole issue by playing transparently straightforward characters who wear their hearts on their sleeves) or unintentional (characters that are fascinating in the confines of my head become far less interesting when I’m playing them).

So in this blog I’m going to talk about three examples of very simple rules from games I’ve played that I have found to be a huge help in letting me express myself and my characters. Any one of them could be easily lifted out of their games and used for campaigns under other systems, too. Check them out, and let me know if there’s any I missed! (And don’t forget to check out my last blog post, if you haven’t already, about using emotions as actual traits that you can roll in a game!)

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RPGaDay 2017, Day 5: Which RPG cover best captures the spirit of the game?

RPGaDay 2017 infographic

RPGaDay is an annual celebration of tabletop roleplaying. This is the first year I’ve tried to do it.

Which RPG cover best captures the spirit of the game?

For this question I’ve restricted myself in two ways. First, to games and covers that I think are good. There are any number of terrible RPG covers that accurately portray the experience of terrible games. Second, to games that I have played, and thus have a stronger idea of what the spirit of the game really is.

Cover of Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting EngineMy answer therefore is the cover of Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine by Jenna Moran, a delightful game for telling charming fantasy stories in the style of Miyazaki films. The standard setting is a sleepy fishing town called Fortitude, and the style of play is to take each day as it comes and enjoy the little things in life. It supports other genres too, but that’s the expected game for newbies and it’s the version represented on the cover: on a lovely clear day, two youngsters sit on an idle steampunkish machine, gazing out over the calm water while the birds fly and the clouds float overhead. The sketched lines and soft pencil colours enhance the impression of a gentle game.

I love this game, and if it wasn’t for all the stationery props that it needs to play, I’d definitely run it again. I’m still waiting for an app or something that’ll take the load out of prep work.